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Writer's pictureNasyaCatherine

Still growing, still learning.

Hi everyone, my name is Nasya-Ann Catherine Appaduray. I'm from Malaysia and I am the youngest of 4 girls. I'm a high school student who is turning 17 in Poland so that will be quite exciting for me. For me, I'm your normal, average, teenage girl who loves playing sports, loves listening to music as it makes really happy. As a teenage girl I'm also going through the struggles and the bittersweet moments of the late adolescence years. I'm a person who grew up in a Catholic community ever since I was a baby. I have been taught about my faith and God from my family; especially my mum, my peers and so on. I have attended church and Sunday school every Sunday which I'm not gonna lie, when I was younger, I used to go as it was sort of a routine where I would just follow my family and would go because everyone was going. I understood nothing about the teachings of the church and would pretend that I did as I would always just go with the flow. But that all changed when I grew older and had a different mindset towards life and the church and now I have a mature understanding towards the teachings from the priest and I actually do love going to church and learning new things about God, life, our own selves and so on. However with this being said, I'm not saying that I now fully understand everything and know how to differentiate the wrongs and rights on being a Catholic because I don't. I'm still young, still growing and still learning. Ever since i was a little kid, I have always heard stories/testimonies from others about how God has changed their lives for the better and how he has touched them personally. Even I have witnessed miracles happened to people that only God has the power to do which makes me realize never to question his existence. As amazing and beautiful as it is to see what God has done and what God can do to the human race, despite that, I still haven't experienced that personal encounter with God yet which I'm hoping to experience in Poland but if not, it definitely will happen in his time.  I was never one who really doubted God and his existence. Even if at times I did question him, he always found a way to make me believe that he is really there. There are moments in my life where he has protected me, watched over me and I know that he is always there, even if you think he's not, well he is and whenever I feel lonely or sad, somehow, I can always feel his presence there with me. Despite all this, I haven't had a moment with God that changed my life drastically and to me, that's okay. As I said earlier, I'm still very young. I still have so much to go through in life, challenges to face, moments to appreciate and even though I have not experienced my personal encounter with God, I believe that one day it will happen and for now I'll just keep holding on to my faith and keep believing in the man above.  See you guys in Poland.

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